case study
Digital Advertising
Number 1 national newspaper affirms its position on top with the help of social media

An-Nahar is the number one national newspaper in Lebanon and one of the leading news sources in the region. Journalist Charles Glass argues that An-Nahar is Lebanon's equivalent of The New York Times.
An-Nahar has always been a pioneer on all fronts; and the digital front was yet another medium for the newspaper to excel and pave the way in the region. The newspaper never stops adopting new technologies & tools as it embraces the new digital world while maintaining the integrity & essence that it has represented since 1933. It was the first newspaper in the country to go online in 1998, making the paper edition available in electronic form. It also launched a full web portal of live 24/7 news in 2012.

With Spearhead as support, the newspaper managed to optimize the usage of its social media channels, primarily its Facebook page to further grow its reach and website visitors. An-Nahar was also the first newspaper in the country to launch a Snapchat account targeted towards the younger generation.
The first steps entitled setting out the needed structure & usage technicalities. Long-term strategies helped bring relevant content to users. As there is no static recipe for social media management, there is ongoing strategizing happening to improve performance.
An-Nahar has developed various sections covering more than politics (lifestyle, health, cooking...etc.) as well as An-Nahar TV. Social media strategies also helped boost these sections, bringing An-Nahar even closer to its readers.
The result was a continued increase in traffic, as more and more readers adopt An-Nahar as their primary source of all news.

Spearhead worked with An-Nahar to maximize the efficiency of its social media channels by implementing usage guidelines for each channel as well as by working hand-in-hand with the entire An-Nahar family, from management to journalists.
- Collaborators
- Wadih Antoun (Digital Strategy)
- Lama Hassan (Account Management)